The latest releases can be ordered directly from the band’s bandcamp. Older titles are out of print and you will have to check the usual places.

Die Anarchistische Abendunterhaltung (Jack & Johnny 1995, CD). This album has been reissued first as “Touralbum 1996” by Sony Music with a different cover, and in 2023 as LP/CD on Subrosa.

We Need New Animals (Sony Music 1998, CD)

Life Transmission (Columbia 2001, CD)

Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain (Radical Duke 2002, CD)

Tub Gurnard Goodness (Radical Duke 2004, CD)

Ghost Tracks (Radical Duke 2004, CD)

Domestic Wildlife (Radical Duke 2006, CD)

Live 2005 (Radical Duke 2005, CD), limited edition EP included with the first 100 copies of Domestic Wildlife.
The Shepherd’s Dream (Radical Duke 2010, CD)

Eight Definitions (Excelsior Recordings / Radical Duke 2013, CD/LP)

Hineininterpretierung (Radical Duke / Waste My Records 2017, CD/LP)
Musik für animierten Tonspurfilm (Subrosa 2023, LP)

The Dark Age Of Love (Ici d’Ailleurs 2009)
There have also been a couple of singles.
Drieslagstelsel demo (around 1995?)
Other artists
The musicians in DAAU have also appeared on many releases by other artists. Here is an attempt to list these releases.