In 2017 we will be celebrating our 25 years of making music & touring with a new album and a tour.
For this opportunity ex-dEUS guitarist Rudy Trouvé – still a highly respected musician/producer in Antwerp & beyond – took up the role of curator. He dug through the DAAU repertoire and selected a number of tracks which they re-recorded. The amazing David Odlum mixed the album.
“Hineininterpretierung” will be some sort of an anthology: aged through years of experience, personal growth and probably even wisdom.
The release of the album is planned for April 2017 on Waste My Records. An extended tour will set off in May with concerts in Liège (Reflektor, 4/5), Antwerp (De Studio, 12/5) and Utrecht (EKKO, 25/5). You can get your tickets as of today, other dates will follow soon.
Archive for the ‘highway tigers’ Category
DAAU announce new album: Hineininterpretierung, and first tour dates
DAAU vs. TRASH – “Auf Wiedersehen” performances
DAAU will perform live music in the Netherlands until January, accompanying a dance performance by the Trash ensemble.
Watch the trailer below, and see the upcoming concerts page for performance dates. (Looks like it’s only Han, Roel and Hannes for these performances.)
TRASH – AUF WIEDERSEHEN from trashdanceweb on Vimeo.
New DAAU album details
At this very moment, the band is preparing to unveil their new live set this weekend at ITGWO and OPEK, it’s high time to bring you some updates!
The album now has a confirmed release date of October 11, and I am guessing that it will be available to order directly from the Radical Duke shop again. Their prices and postage tend to be lower than anywhere else, so it’s worth taking a look here once it’s out, and buy directly from the source.
In the meantime, the name of the album has also changed, and it’s now officially “Eight Definitions“. I wonder what happened to the two others! Also, while Simon and Buni both appear on the album, they may join the tour when they find the time to do so.
Things keep changing, and that is a good thing. By all accounts, the new album (which I haven’t heard) is once again a different, ambitious, challenging and rewarding listening experience.
And how many other bands can say that at 21 years of age?
Het spookhuis der geschiedenis
This news from the cello department is a few months old now.
I just discovered it, but it is still good news.
The cello duet consisting of Simon Lenski and Bo Wiget are playing together again, supplying live music for the theatre opera piece “Het spookhuis der geschiedenis” (The haunted house of history). You can find more info about the performances at the site of the Wunderbaum group. The piece is described as “Wagnerian”, and fittingly, Wiget/Lenski are re-interpreting the music of Richard Wagner for the play.
Actually, when Bo announced this on his website, he didn’t use the words “interpretation” or “arrangement” that ordinary people would typically. Instead he used the German word “eingerichtet“, which could be translated by saying that the music was “re-installed” or “re-furbished” for this opera.
Does that mean something? Is it on purpose? I don’t know. But it is really nice way to think of music as something that lives in a physical space.
Anyway, the facts …
The premiere took place on May 25 on the Schouwburgplein in Rotterdam, with performances scheduled until June 3. The piece will be on the road for the rest of the year, with performances scheduled for Den Bosch, Amsterdam, Berlin and Groningen.
If you don’t know who Wiget/Lenski is, I saw them play a concert in 2008 when they had just released their album, “Die Vögelein schweigen im Walde“, which is still very recommendeded, and – of course – available on itunes. I’d imagine that friends of experimental noise music may well enjoy this album; as it definitely holds some of the most abrasive and dissonant sounds in the entire DAAU orbit.
Hiver Dernier showcase in Liège
One more screening of “Hiver Dernier”, with DAAU playing a set afterwards, next Wednesday in Liège.
Some notes about DAAU versus GEM in Gent
Seven Brazilians and four Belgians shared the stage last Thursday at Vooruit in Gent. The world debut performance of Fernando Sardo’s GEM meeting DAAU. With apparently only little rehearsal beforehand, the musicians pulled off a great 50 minute set as part of the Europalia Brasil festival. Quite a unique performance it was. One song of GEM started the set. One long song by DAAU followed, and I did not recognize it- must be a brand-new one! Then both bands together for two songs that flowed freely from experimental soundscapes to a re-worked section of “Drieslagstelsel 5”.
It seems there will be only one concert of this project, next Friday in Antwerpen. If you’re around, go see them.
Check Cobra for a live video live song of the concert ( which spares me the description of GEM’s unique custom-built instruments – you can just see for yourself…) I can’t seem to embed it here in this page, so you’ll just have to click on the link and select “Sprookjes” !
DAAU @ Philharmonie Haarlem, this Saturday
Just a friendly reminder:
DAAU will play the Stad als Podium festival in the Dutch town of Haarlem next Saturday. Stage time is 22.45 and the venue will be the beautiful Philharmonie of Haarlem. Be there. And when it’s done, you can hop over to Patronaat to see Battles. Should be a good night out!
DAAU in Genk & Tournai, this week
Nice poster for this weekend’s d’Hiverrock festival in Tournai, which includes a set by DAAU on Saturday.
From an Istanbul shipyard to the Roppongi Hills
The list of countries covered by the Shepherd’s Dream tour is already quite impressive:
- Belgium
- The Netherlands
- Germany
- France
- Luxembourg
- Turkey
- Germany
- Switzerland
- Austria
- Hungary
- Slovenia
Big announcement from the DAAU headquarters: Now the tour is really going to come to some far-away places, as we can add Japan and China to the list ! The quartet will be hitting Asia for a string of gigs in Tianjin, China and Tokyo, Japan on September 10 through 12.
Congratulations to the band & their management for pulling this off !
(For fans in Groningen, this unfortunately means that the concert initially planned for Sep. 9 at VERA has had to be cancelled.)
There are still some surprisingly blank spots on the map though. It’s been ages since the last gig in England, the US. Maybe some of the more knowledgable concert promoters in those countries are reading this…?
Istanbul show added, June 30
As posted on Facebook, the Abendunterhaltung will travel to Istanbul on June 30 for a free show at Haliç Tersanesi. This will mark the first ever visit of DAAU in Turkey! And it looks like it’s not some dark cellar hole that they’re playing in, but actually pretty special: the concert presumably takes place in the docks at the Golden Horn.
update: according to a post on; the band will play “on a rotating stage in one of the shipyard’s pools” !