The group presently consists of:
Roel van Camp (accordeon). Has always been there.
Han Stubbe (clarinet). Has always been there.
Hannes d’Hoine (double bass), played his first concert with the group on April 20, 2006.
Jeroen Stevens (drums), has been the live drummer since 2013.
Behind the scenes
Buni Lenski (violin), founding member, has been on hiatus from the band since the end of 2006.
Simon Lenski (cello). founding member, left the band in 2012.
Boots (drums) played his first show with the band on May 27, 2004 and his last show to date on March 25, 2009. Also goes by the name of Butsenzeller.
Former members
Fré Madou (bass) joined the band along with Boots on May 27, 2004 and played his last show on May 18, 2006. Plays regular jazz gigs around Antwerp.
Adrian Lenski (piano) played his first gig with the band on May 13, 2000 and stayed for the “Life Transmission” tour. His last gig to date was probably Dranouter on August 2, 2002. He is Simon’s and Buni’s brother.
Yanek Kobalski (drums) was the drummer for the “Life Transmission” tour from March 7, 2001 until probably July 5, 2002.
Collaborators and friends
A woefully incomplete list of musicians that have played a role in the history of the band.
Ez3kiel is a French electro-dub band. DAAU appears on their albums “Barb4ry” and “Naphtaline”, and also joined them onstage for two long tours in 2004 and 2005, from which a live album was made.
Angelique Willkie
An Pierlé
Harmonie Ypriana
Alma Flamenca is (was?) a flamenco group who joined DAAU for a couple of concerts in 1999. They can be heard on one track of the “Ghost Tracks” CD. Other than that, I know next to nothing about them!
Hi, do you have any information about the band being still producing music?
I wonder if they disbanded or not, the website is down (DAAU and Radical Duke) and no album have been recorded since 2017.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, I do not have any information at all but I am wondering the same thing. The website has been down before — it’s not the first time that happened. Radical Duke was gone even before the website went away.
Let’s hope that they will come up with a new project that gives them a good reason to re-group. Time will tell!