DAAU have recorded a soundtrack to the feature film “L’Hiver dernier” , or “Last Winter” as it will be known outside of Francophonic territories. According to Gentlemanagement, DAAU composed 40 minutes of new music specifically for the movie, of which 25 are going to be used in it.
Directed and written by John Shank, the movie tells the story of a farmer fighting against the threat of losing his entire existence after a fire ravages his farm. (Guess there just had to be some connection to animals!) It’s not yet known when the movie will be out in theatres, MDB says it’s currently in post-production. Any news will be posted here!
This is the fourth time DAAU have supplied the soundtrack to a movie. The other three I know of are:
- Our Daily Bread, which was of course extensively toured with a live soundtrack,
- Archipel’s Nitrate, which I’ve never even seen,
- and Practical Pistol Shooting, which I’ve never seen either but a DVD should be on its way to me.
So this one is the first full-length feature film that DAAU has worked on, as far as I know.
Here’s the pages at IMDB and the movie’s blog. Some screens from the shooting at Flickr.